The management of NEKSAS Ltd. is committed to maintaining and continuously improving the quality of its products and services, fully meeting the requirements of customers and society. Effective management of health and safety conditions at work and minimizing harmful environmental impacts are integral parts of the company’s overall policy and strategy.
Our scope of activity includes: "Supply, design, production, installation, and service of high-efficiency heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Construction and service of refrigeration and gas installations, water supply and sewage systems. Manufacturing and installation of metal structures and other metal products."
The company’s management is convinced that the implementation of the management policy is only possible through the introduction, maintenance, and continuous improvement of an Integrated Management System, compliant with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018.
The company’s management policy stems from the management's commitment during production and execution of construction and installation work to: prevent, reduce, and minimize risks related to the health and safety of employees and stakeholders; minimize pollution and harmful impacts on the environment, in accordance with current legislation and regulations.
To implement this policy, the Senior Management directs its efforts in the following areas:
- Expanding market share and introducing new technologies in our key activities;
- A continuous effort to better understand the needs and requirements of customers and stakeholders, and seeking opportunities to meet them through risk-based thinking;
- Analyzing collected information for periodic risk assessments, evaluating processes, registering continuous improvement, and ensuring compliance with customer and societal requirements for products and services, environmental protection, and occupational health and safety;
- Maximizing the use of engineering solutions, technologies, and preventive measures to prevent incidents and accidents in trade, installation, and service activities;
- Continuously improving and preventing pollution through effective management of significant aspects by maintaining environmentally acceptable workplaces, legislatively regulated waste management, and implementing processes and services with minimal impact on the environment;
- Increasing staff qualifications, motivation, and awareness to achieve good results in preserving health, workplace safety, and the environment;
- Maintaining good communication with employees and enhancing their involvement in solving occupational health and safety issues;
- Efficient use of available material, human, and financial resources to achieve the goals of the Integrated Management System;
- Defining and managing projects for participation in European Union Structural Funds;
- Complying with the measures relevant to the company’s activities concerning climate change.
The Senior Management of Neksas Ltd. is convinced that through the management policy, which is embedded in the company’s corporate identity and values, we will reinforce our position as a leading and preferred supplier in the market.