The entire activity
The company's entire operation adheres to the high standards set by the integrated management system for quality ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018. Since October 2019, the welding production has been certified under the EN ISO 3834-2 standard. The consistent quality is a result of the competent service provided by a team of professionals, modern technologies and equipment, and high-quality raw materials.
Production Control
The factory production control system for structural steel elements used in building construction is ensured through annual audits according to the EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 standard.
In 2022
NEKSAS obtained a certificate for performance consistency according to the EN 12101-7:2011 standard. The smoke extraction sections produced are designed for use in smoke control systems at 600°C with classification according to EN 13501-4:2016:
NEK SMOKE AND HEAT 120 Type S – Single-section smoke extraction – E600120(ho)S1000 single
NEK SMOKE AND HEAT 120 Type M – Multi-section smoke extraction – EI120(ho-ve)S1000 multi
Since 2009
the company has been listed in the Central Professional Register of Builders for the execution of constructions ranging from the first to the fifth group.
With a certificate
The State Agency for Metrological and Technical Supervision certifies the registration of "NEKSAS" in the agency's register as an entity authorized to maintain, repair, and modify high-risk equipment.
For performing
installing, service, and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems, as well as heat pumps containing more than 3kg of fluorinated greenhouse gases, Neksas is certified by the Bulgarian Chamber of Mechanical Engineering.
holds a certificate issued by OVERGAS TECHNIKA AD for the design, construction, and installation of gas supply systems and gas installations in buildings operating on natural gas.